Tuesday 8 February 2011

Oxford and Cambridge Tour

February 7th Monday
I think it is time to say something about this weekends trip.
The Oxford and Cambridge, 2 really amazing university.
In my point of view, Oxford is more socialized and Cambridge is more natural.
I am more excited about Oxford before this trip. Waiting for half an hour for only a glimp of the dining room in the Christ Church is all but trouble. I am so excited about staying with the same place Harry Potter once stand. It is kind of like the dream in the childhood suddenly become true. Looking around the hall, it’s really gorgeous. I am a little jealous that people in this college can having dinner with black long rope in this room.  Apart from the Harry Potter scenes, I found the constructions in the Oxford grandeur. Most of them are Gothic and gives us the impression of solemn. In the city center, it is filled with all kinds of buildings. Oxford gives me the impression of university city rather than city university. It means that Oxford university is  a large university filled the city.
Cambridge seems to be more affinity. It is like a university which includes a city. It has more natural scenes.
I don’t know whether my description is right or not. My time is limited and I haven’t seen the whole view. 

1 comment:

  1. You've written a good descritpion of Oxford and I can see that you were impressed with the archecture. How does this compare with China?


