Wednesday 16 February 2011

Nocturnal Life in York & Hangzhou

The nocturnal life in York and Hangzhou is quite different to me.
In Hangzhou, the nocturnal life is quite colorful. There are so many choices that you never have to make do with the second best. Shopping is very convenient. You can go at any time you like for the shops will be open till 10:30. It seems that the merchants are quite exhausting to work until late at night everyday. But the price they pay is quite worthy for they earn a lot of money during that hour. KTV is another top for groups of people, especially youth. Hanging out to have a karaokay with friend is quite popular, perhaps one of the most common, activity for the students in our university. Cinemas are also runnig quite well during night. What’s more, we can see the opera, live shows and something like that. Unfortunately, my nocturnal life is usually is often occupied by loads of homework and courses. The last term seems to be busy. I had to prepare for several very important tests. So my life is like a mechanic wandering between my school work and test preparation. I am so happy that I have gone through it.
Now I am staying in York experience another kind of life. Just like the other Western countries, the shops don’t open during evening which makes the city very quiet. I’m not quite used to that at the beginning for the night is too peaceful.  With the time goes, I know more about the life here. As I am now on my holiday,  there are plenty of time for me to go through the life here. The most traditional activity for young people in York is pub and club. Before I came to England, I never gone to a pub nor a club. They seems to be so far from my life. But here in York, they seems to be so friendly. I cannot wait to experience the life here. First thing I want to say is that I really loves the pub here. With a little alcoholic drink, friends chat happily with each other. In some pubs, the music is not very loud providing while in others, the music is loud enough that you have to speak louder. It’s quite a good thing when the music are to your taste, you can either chat happily or just sit aside alone enjoying.
Club is quite different from pub. Though the night club opens at 10 or a little bit later, the climax usually goes after 24:00. I used to have a bad impression for club. I usually relate it to drugs, sex, over-alcohol. But that’s only part of the picture. Most of the club are places where people drink for a few cups and dance freely following the beat. It would be fantastic if the DJ broadcast something really interests you. Otherwise, it may seems a little bit boring and noisy. I went the “Salvation” & “bpm” in my 3rd week in York. It was really a passionate place. There were all kinds of people there ranging from different occupation and ages. When I was sitting aside watching, a 30 years old drunk man sitting beside talked to me. As the music was so loud, I did hardly hear what he said. Afterwards, he danced weirdly. When I was dancing, a boy came and dance with. Then he wanted to talk to me,  but I didn’t hear anything. When the music lows down in the intervals, he asked if he could kiss me. I refused by saying that I have a boyfriend. The DJ that night is not that excellent for people in the dancing pool were not as exciting as I expected. But it was still quite a nice night. And thanks to Finzy to spent a nice night with me. 
Just as I put it, York life is more relaxing than the life in Hangzhou. Of course, we cannot exclude the reason that I am having holiday in York but working through my courses in Hangzhou. I like to work hard and play hard. That makes me feel fresh and exciting~!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jessica,

    What a fantastic blog! You have written well about the differences between China and the UK, well done.

    I think that you have a very good way of thinking - word hard and play hard - that way you'll get the most out of life.

    Thank you for all your blog entries!

