Tuesday 8 February 2011

Howarth Tour February 3th Thursday

February 3th Thursday
We went to Haworth and saw the Bronte Parsonage. The village is quite peaceful, much more peaceful than York. The people in this village seemed to know each other well. They greeted each other and chatted whenever they met a villager. This kind of warm relationship between people made me feel comfortable. I like the book “Jane Eyer” and it was interesting to saw their way of life. The scenery there was so beautiful.
In the afternoon, we visited the Bradford. This is a city famous for its Curry for there are so many Parkistan and Middle Easter residents. Finzy and I looked around the museum and with the time left, we went to a restaurant called “Kirshmir”. The environment of the restaurant is very middle east. The decorations, the chairs, tables and especially the fans stirring the specific smell of curry. I couldn’t remember the name of our dishes. One is of chicken and the other is of lamb. They were a little sweeter than the normal curry we ate. I just found it tasty.
A beautiful day~!

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea that you had gone to a curry house, that was very adventurous of you! We call them curry houses or restaurants. Nice comparison between York and Haworth. Could you compare a small city and a village in China the same way?

    I'm glad you had a lovely day.


