Tuesday 8 February 2011

February 1st a colorful day

February 1st
The shining sun implies that today will be an excellent day.
We had an interview for different departments today.  So I went to the biology department with SUN Bin. We first listened to a  lecture for 30 minutes and was showed  around the lab later on. Then we met 2 Chinese student in the Biology department. We chatted happily about our major, life and future and hoped to see each other again in the future. The teacher and students here are really nice and friendly and it’s easy to make friend with them.
After that , I had an interview with Dawn and talked freely about the life here. I think it’s good to have only 18 students in our class, so teacher can know the status of everybody.
After that, our presentation group talked about our theme. We make it the welfare and policy for old people in  England and China to see whether we can make the England or Chinese status better.
With the work done, I went to the city center  with Qinxin and Wanfang.  And I was happy to pick up a black long dress. It looks gorgeous.
In the evening, I took part in Finzy’s birthday party. Ten girls are very exciited about the traditional Chinese food, say dumplings and noodles, and were so happy to get together for a dinner.
 After the dinner, the 6-year-old boy in Finzy’s host family really entertains us a lot. He appeared with the dance of the <Thriller>, and played and chatted happily with us. He is so cute and interesting. We all like him very much.
A lovely day~~~!!!!

1 comment:

  1. It's so good that you had a lovely day! I think that 18 students in a class is very big - I'm used to a max of 12, but I still try to give everybody the same amount of individual attention.

    Is giving individual attention something that is different for China? How did the department you visited differ from China? If you can talk about these, you are reflecting on academic differences (if there are any).


